Connecting Estate Owners In The Malaysian Agriculture Industry

An association that continues to strengthen the Malaysian plantation industry since 1931.
The Malaysian Estate Owners’ Association was established in 1931. Its goal was to promote, foster and protect the interests of the plantation industry in Malaysia.
In 1941, like other groups, all the records of the association were lost in the chaos of World War II. So, on 26th January 1946, a public meeting was held at the Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur. It was at this meeting that the public decided to revive the MEOA; with the late Mr Khoo Teik Ee elected to become the first president of MEOA.
Eventually, the association was governed by its 1987 Constitution and By-Laws. Many years later, on 21 July 2016, the Constitution and By-Laws were revised with new rules approved by the Registrar of Societies Malaysia (ROS).
Today, MEOA continues to develop its identity, and build bridges by engaging other associations within the industry. Furthermore, the Association endeavours to continue keeping its members informed about the latest issues affecting the industry.
Through our vision, we have worked with Malaysian goverment plantation agencies such as Malaysian Palm Oil Board(MPOB) and Malaysian Rubber Board (LGM). MEOA also represents Malaysia in international groups like the International Natural Rubber Organization, the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries, the International Rubber Study Group and International Rubber Association.
As the plantation industry grew in size and scope, MEOA members, had previously been called upon to represent Malaysia as advisors in international bodies such as the International Natural Rubber Organisation (INRO), the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC), the International Rubber Study Group and the International Rubber Association (IRA).
MEOA had been called upon to advise on matters concerning local security, State rubber licensing, the National Economic Consultative Council (NECC), shipping and port, foreign workers and land law revisions.
MEOA works closely with MPOB, LGM, and SOPPOA. Our industry representatives from MEOA are also appointed by the government to sit in councils, statutory bodies, and core apex bodies of MPOB and MRB.

Conduct R&D, commercialization, registration, licensing, technical advisory and consultancy
MPOB is the government agency entrusted to serve the country’s oil palm industry. Its main role is to promote and develop national objectives, policies and priorities for the wellbeing of the Malaysian oil palm industry. It was a merger of the functions of the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) and the Palm Oil Registration and Licensing Authority (PORLA).

Assist in the development and modernisation of the Malaysian rubber industry in all aspects of the industry
We also work with Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB), which is the custodian of the rubber industry in Malaysia. It was established on 1 January 1998 and has contributed significantly to the development of the rubber industry for the last 94 years.

Act as a catalyst for the responsible and sustainable development of the palm oil industry in Sarawak.
We work with Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (SOPPOA), which is a non-profit organisation comprised of a majority of oil palm growers in Sarawak, with membership from plantation companies of various sizes including government land development agencies as well as independent smallholders.
“The early-morning muster, the natural environment and the tranquility are definitely all good things that help build you up, but they are only part of what keeps you well. The balance is in the other things you do with your life, and they all add up.”
Datuk Boon Weng Siew
President (1990 - 2013)
No. 27, Level 2, Jalan Kelapa, Off
Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, 41200 Klang, Selangor
+6018-398 8233